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Talk: The Emerging role of music in Dementia care - Time TBC!

  • Waterford Healing Arts Trust (map)

Kids’ Classics CLG in partnership with the Royal Irish Academy of Music presents: ‘The Emerging Role of Music in Dementia Care – The Transformative Power of Connection’ on 1 May 2018. This talk will be led by Dr Jane Bentley, a music in healthcare practitioner and trainer based in Scotland.

With recent studies showing that just one hour a day of social interaction brings benefits to people with dementia, more and more attention is being given to the need to find ways to make meaningful, relational connections.

Music, particularly live music, can be a uniquely powerful way to reach people with dementia: because a musician can adapt to the rhythms and emotions of a person on a moment-to-moment basis, music becomes a shared language of relating and connecting – even at a time when words may no longer be accessible.

This talk will be led by Dr Jane Bentley in partnership with Kids’ Classics, Ireland’s leading Music in Healthcare Organisation. You will hear about current professional Music in Healthcare programmes, training and partnerships with leading national arts organistions in Scotland and Ireland.

Later Event: 7 May
Wee Music Box